What is a “brachycephalic” dog?

Pugs, Boston Terriers, Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Shih Tzus, Boxers, Lhasa Apsos and Pekingese are all classified as "Brachycephalic breeds.

It literally means "short-headed," The term refers to dogs and cats with shortened snouts aka "Squishy faces."

It is very important to research and have a basic understanding of concerns to look out for if you are planning on adopting a squishy face pet!

Brachycephalic dogs and cats can suffer from Brachycephalic Airway syndrome, they will typically have a history of loud snoring and noisy breathing. They may also have a sensitive gag reflex, or be prone to reverse sneezing or tracheal collapse. If their airways are quite narrow and they experience overexertion or over-excitement this can lead to collapse. Because of their breathing difficulties, these dogs tend to have a low tolerance for vigorous exercise and are highly susceptible to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Not all Brachycephalic dogs will suffer, but it is good to be aware of the risks.

Squishy faced dogs generally have amazing, happy, and quite comical personalities !


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